Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Natural Ways To Fight Allergies This Season

The weather changes rapidly during fall and we are exposed to a spacious variety of allergens making us greater degree vulnerable to allergies of all sorts. The vulgar causes of allergy in this gratify are

• The pollen grains of the seasonal plants and grasses
♂ Weeds especially ragweed
• Moulds
&edict; Animal dander and dust mites

Eye allergies are completely annoying and debilitating at times, with equal rean one should be very cautious approximately eye health and find ways to thwart allergy in a natural manner. Diet plays a turning role and in such cases any should consume more of Vit C that is also known as the anti-defilement vitamin, found in citrus fruits. Increase your intake of blueberries to the degree that they are the richest source of antioxidants and boost your freedom.

Consume more of prebiotics and probiotics in the manner that the gut friendly bacteria seen in yoghurt and other foods are your greatest weapon in opposition to allergies. Omega 3 fatty acids and cod liver oil are great in warfare allergies and you can take supplements or attain them from food items like sesame seeds and fish.

Other effective methods take in
• Wear a mask while you are gardening or traveling out of the house. One can take due care of observation health by wearing goggles which volition take protect your eyes from allergens like pollen grains. Wash your hair regularly hind coming home in this season viewed like the pollen grains that have wonted on your hair are rinsed right side.

• De-stress yourself as researches acquire shown that raised l levels of the hormone cortisol (that increases in mental or physical strain) triggers allergies. So, after a tiring day soothe your senses with lavender or other calming herbs.

♂ Some of the cardinal rules of eye health which are beneficial in winning the battle against allergies include-Washing your eyes in relation to coming home avoid touching them with dirty hands and prevent rubbing your eyes if pollen grains or any foreign body falls in the eyes.

• Try native remedies and herbs-Chamomile tea helps in allying the allergic response, ginger tea is helpful in respiratory infections. If you be seized of a blocked nose or feel choked up then inhaling eucalyptus essential oil will offer you instant relief.In such a question put a few drops of eucalyptus oil forward your handkerchief and take a small in number deep breaths.

• As dust is actual harmful for eye health, avoid dusting your home or cleaning the easy toys. Wash your hands with soap subsequently touching the pets. Use synthetic fiber in the room of feathers as a stuffing in the pillows.

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