Monday, August 15, 2011

Asian Glow and Pepcid AC

Can Pepcid AC Cure Asian Glow?

If you bend red after a few alcoholic drinks, you puissance have Asian glow. Most likely, the intellect why you're reading this is for the reason that you've experienced it already and your friends told you which it might be.

So, What is Asian Glow?

Basically, in single-minded terms, it's when your carcass can't metabolize alcohol at a tightly enough rate. In order to weaken down the alcohol, an enzyme of necessity to be produced. For Asian fervor sufferers, this enzyme is deficient and doesn't labor properly. Because of this enzyme failure, the result is your body starts to lay in toxins, which in turn causes the blushing and other symptoms.

The relation to Asians is because it affects at the same time that many as 50% of all men of Asian descent, mostly affecting Japanese, Chinese, Korean or other East Asian nation. But don't think you be possible to't have it, if you're not Asian. It is not limited to Asians. Anybody be able to have it.

OK, So What Can I Do To Get Rid Of It?

Unfortunately, in that place is no magic pill you be able to buy over-the-counter at your topical drug store that is made specifically with respect to this condition. As I mentioned face to face with, the root cause of this confuse, is a deficiency in a ~ity enzyme, ADLH2 that helps break along the course of alcohol. If there was a pill that produced this enzyme, you desire your cure.

What you do you bear is some over-the-counter drugs that decree help reduce the symptoms. The ut~ popular drug that is being used concerning Asian glow is Pepcid AC, Zantac, Tagamet and Axid. These drugs are H2 blockers whose indispensable purpose is to work on reducing of the stomach acid in your stomach and repress with acid reflux condition.

So How Does This Help With My Asian Glow?

Alcohol progressive emaciation will generally irritate your stomach lining and produce more gastric acid. Taking a H2 blocker like Pepcid AC devise help reduce the gastric acid in your stand and counteract the effect of the spirits of wine. As a result, it should delaying down the effects of Asian become excited on your system because it helps with the metabolism of alcohol in your corpse. This may not make complete soundness to you but all you indigence to know it will help. As to the expansion of how much it will alleviate you, depends on your body.

Many Sufferers Say It Helps Them.

Forums and blogs are flooded with comments from sufferers commenting on in what plight much Pepcid AC or like drugs gain either helped them, not helped them or in some place in between. After reading a few of these forums, you end up greater degree of confused them ever. John will rehearse "It cures my symptoms. I have power to drink like a fish now". And therefore, there's Mary, who will affirmation "I take one drink and I calm get red and I still possess nauseous." Once again, what I've deep-read from reading these, is that everybody be pleased react differently to taking these drugs. For some it will work; for some it won't.

The good in the highest degree advice I can give you is to accord. it a try and see grant that it helps. If not, try some other methods that don't interweave medication. Methods such as drinking slower, drink an alcoholic beverage with lower alcoholic easy in mind, avoid mixed drinks. The main event is to avoid the symptoms fully. Continuing to drink and still experiencing the Asian reddening symptoms is not smart. It could affect your general health in the extensive run.


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