Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vornado is Looking to Remake the Standards and Expectations of the American Consumer

Very recently, I was handling my usual Saturday morning chores. You know the stuff we all do and we always tend to do on Saturday and not any other day of the week. We do light clean up around the house, pay some bills, fold clothes or maybe prepare a breakfast with more care than we could have during the week.

The TV was on as is the habit of many of us. The report was about President Barack Obama's weekly address to the country.

The news agency (I think it was CNN?) said that the President was focusing on products made in the USA and promoting them as viable alternatives for purchase. Apparently, the phrase that is now coined for buying American and therefore supporting more American jobs was "insourcing."

This was a clever take on the scary concept of "outsourcing" that has been such a huge part of the vocabulary of the new economy. It has been taken always in a negative way.  

To many folks who rely on a sound economy and the availability of good paying jobs, it has meant a dire threat to the middle class way of life. 

The President's statement about buying American and insourcing is not the first time the concept of buying American and the benefits of doing it have been discussed by important policy makers. 

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